Or do you simply need help with an existing website?

Do you have an existing existing WordPress website & need someone to sit over your shoulder to assist with all things web? Whilst I am not designer, I could assist with basic design changes. What I am skilled in is anything technical. So anything from fixing errors on the website, adding more functionality or making styling changes to your website WordPress theme. Below are some of the common tasks I can assist with.

  • Customise theme templates
  • Integrate a new contact form
  • Connect a newsletter signup via something like MailChimp
  • Update content such as upload of a new project / case study
  • Adding and formatting media such as images, video, audio
  • Regular WordPress version upgrade and upgrade of installed plugins
  • Fixing bugs & any technical errors that come up

Typically I will charge $20/hr to perform such tasks

If it’s a big task you will get an estimate upfront to minimise any surprises. It’s also possible to agree an ongoing monthly subscription package (minimum 3 months) such as $150/month to include 15hrs, which gives you more bang for your buck.